How to Stop Cheek Chewing
Things You'll Need
- Gum
- Toothpick
Eat sugar-free gum to give yourself something to chew on other than your cheek. It is nearly impossible to chew your cheek if you are gnawing on gum. Choose sugar-free gum because you may have to chew it a lot and you want to protect your teeth. Once you kick your bad habit, you won't need the gum anymore.
Put a toothpick in your mouth so you have something else to do with your teeth. While it may not be as efficient as gum because you can still chew your cheek when you have a toothpick in your mouth, a toothpick will distract you from your desire to chew.
Monitor when you bite your cheek. Is there a common time when you do so? You may find that you are biting when you are stressed. If the behavior is more common at work, for example, then you may find your work stressful and need a change.
Close your eyes and try to meditate. Clear your mind of any negative thoughts and focus only on positive thoughts. This can be a stress remedy, which can help you eliminate your cheek-biting habit.
See your dentist. You might be compensating for misaligned teeth and seeking something to put in the empty area.