What do you if get bit by a venomous snake?
1. Stay Calm:
- Remain as calm as possible to control your heart rate and prevent the snake's venom from circulating more quickly.
2. Call for Emergency:
- Immediately dial emergency services for professional help and transportation to the nearest medical facility. Ensure you stay on the phone with the operator until help arrives.
3. Avoid Moving Around:
- Keep the affected area immobilized and limit movement as much as possible. Movement can cause the venom to spread faster through the body.
4. Remove Tight Clothing:
- Loosen any tight items, such as jewelry, clothing, or a watch, near the bite area to prevent swelling and constriction of blood flow.
5. Do Not Use a Tourniquet:
- Contrary to popular belief, applying a tourniquet is generally not recommended as it can cause more harm by blocking blood flow and potentially leading to tissue damage.
6. Do Not Cut the Wound:
- Resist the urge to cut the wound or try to suck the venom out, as this can aggravate the situation and increase the risk of infection.
7. Monitor the Bite:
- Carefully observe the bite area for any changes, such as swelling, redness, pain, or numbness. Take note of the appearance of the snake that bit you if possible.
8. Record Time of Bite:
- Note the time of the snakebite to provide accurate information to medical professionals about the duration since the incident occurred.
9. Remain in Place:
- If possible, try to stay in the same spot where you were bitten to facilitate the arrival of emergency services. Moving away might make it harder for them to locate you.
10. Avoid Food, Drink, and Alcohol:
- Abstain from consuming food, drink (especially alcohol), or any medications until you receive medical attention.
11. Elevate the Affected Limb (If Applicable):
- If the snake bit one of your limbs, try to elevate it above the level of your heart to reduce swelling and minimize the potential spread of venom.
12. Keep Records of Snakebite:
- If you have the means to do so, take photos of the snakebite area and any visible markings or patterns on the snake that bit you. These can help medical professionals identify the type of snake involved and determine the appropriate treatment.
13. Follow Medical Advice:
- Once you receive medical assistance, strictly adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by medical professionals. This might involve antivenom administration, wound care, pain management, and observation.
14. Stay Positive:
- While snakebites can be frightening, remember that most cases are treatable if managed swiftly and properly. Stay positive and cooperate fully with medical professionals during the recovery process.
15. Educate Others:
- If you survive a venomous snakebite, consider sharing your story to raise awareness and educate others about snakebite safety and first aid procedures.
Remember, the most critical aspect of responding to a venomous snakebite is to seek immediate professional medical attention. Do not attempt to treat the snakebite on your own. Early intervention and proper medical treatment can significantly improve the chances of a successful recovery.