How do you get the venom out of a rattlesnake bite?
1. Stay calm and don't panic. Panicking can increase your heart rate and circulation, which can speed up the spread of venom.
2. Call 911 or your local emergency number.
3. Remove any tight clothing or jewelry from the affected area. Swelling may occur, and you don't want anything to constrict blood flow.
4. Immobilize the affected limb. Keep the bitten area below the level of your heart to help slow the spread of venom.
5. Apply a clean, pressure bandage to the affected area. Start wrapping the bandage at the wound site and wrap towards the heart. Avoid wrapping too tightly, as this can cut off circulation.
6. Do not attempt to cut or suck out the venom.
7. If pain occurs, you can over-the-counter or prescription pain reliever.
Remember, it is crucial to prioritize seeking medical attention in case of a venomous snake bite. The antivenom and supportive treatments administered at a medical facility can significantly improve the outcome for someone bitten by a rattlesnake.