You got bit from your poisiness snake what should you do?
1. Stay Calm:
Avoid panic and movements that accelerate your heart rate, which can spread the venom more quickly throughout your body.
2. Immobilize the Area:
Keep the bitten limb immobilized to prevent further venom distribution and minimize movement of the affected area.
3. Remove Tight Clothing or Jewelry:
Remove rings, watches, or any tight clothing near the bite to allow for potential swelling.
4. Avoid Cutting, Squeezing, or Sucking:
Resist the urge to cut or suck the venom out. This can cause further tissue damage and increase venom spread.
5. Monitor Symptoms:
Be aware of any symptoms that develop, including pain, swelling, nausea, dizziness, or difficulty breathing.
6. Seek Medical Help:
Immediately call for emergency medical assistance or get to the nearest medical facility. Inform them that you've been bitten by a poisonous snake.
7. Avoid Home Remedies or Treatments:
Do not apply ice or tourniquets, as these can worsen the situation. Always rely on professional medical care for snakebite treatment.
Remember that the specific steps and treatments may vary based on the type of poisonous snake and the severity of the bite. Always consult with medical professionals for accurate guidance in case of a snakebite.