The Effects of Snake Venom
Muscle Paralysis
The venom of some snakes, such as the coral snake, can have a harmful effect on your muscles. This kind of venom is described as "neurotoxic," and works by relaxing the muscles to the point that the victim has little to no control over them. This is especially damaging to the heart, as it may eventually stop beating altogether. Though neurotoxic venoms are fairly painless, but they are highly toxic to mammals.
Blood Cell Damage
The venom of some snakes can be "hemotoxic," meaning that it has detrimental effects on your blood. Red blood cells are destroyed by this kind of venom, which can also disrupt blood clotting and cause damage to your vital organs. Other symptoms include nausea, disorientation, vomiting, dizziness, and headache. The venom of pit vipers is hemotoxic.
Muscle Damage
Some snakes possess venom that is "myotoxic," which means that it attacks the muscles of its victims. This can result in a feeling of stiffness in your muscles, as well as muscular spasms and convulsions. Some victims report a feeling of intense thirst and throat stiffening, as well as a thickening of the tongue and some difficulty breathing. The Bothrops brazili, a species of viper found in South America, possesses myotoxic venom.
What to Do
If someone has been bitten by a snake, act fast. Advise the victim to stay still, remain calm and avoid movement. Do not attempt to suck the poison out of the bite wound with your mouth, as you may have a small cut which may allow the venom to enter your bloodstream. Keep the victim's airways open, and pay close attention to their respiration and breathing patterns. Get the victim to a hospital as soon as possible.