How to Remove Venom
Things You'll Need
- Unscented soap
- Medical suction device
- Rubber gloves
- Towel
- Saltwater
- Vinegar
- Meat tenderizer
Bee Venom (Sting)
Move away from the stinging environment to a well-lighted area. If you are near a beehive, it's better to hobble several yards over than risk being stung again.
Find the stinger and the attached venom sac quickly.
Scrape your fingernail over the stinger, extracting it from the skin. Do not use tweezers on the stinger, as the squeezing motion will release more venom into the skin.
Wash the stung area with unscented soap and cold water to ease the inflammation and avoid infection.
Snake Venom
Calm yourself down if you have been bitten by a snake. An increased heart rate will circulate the venom more quickly throughout your body.
Remove any rings, bracelets or necklaces that might constrict with swelling. If the bite changes color or begins to spread, the snake was probably poisonous.
Move the affected area at or below heart level and remain still to prevent further circulation of the venom.
Use a medical suction device, if available, to remove the venom. If you do not have a specialized medical tool, do not attempt to remove the venom. Do not suck the venom with your mouth, apply a tourniquet or cold compress, or attempt to cut out the affected skin area.
Call for medical help immediately. Snake bites can cause shock and asphyxiation quickly, particularly in small children.
Marine Life Venom (Jellyfish, Stingray, Sea Urchins and Electric Eels)
Calm yourself and move the stung area below your heart level, if possible.
Wear rubber gloves and remove the stinger or tentacles with a towel. Attempting to remove these without gloves or protection will transfer the venom to your hands.
Soak the affected area in saltwater. Ocean water has amazing cleansing and healing properties that draw bacteria and toxins out of the bite.
Apply vinegar or a meat tenderizer to neutralize the venom.
Call 911 immediately if you begin to feel faint or go into shock.