How to Treat a Cottonmouth Bite
Things You'll Need
- Venom extraction suction device
Relax. As soon as you get bitten by a Cottonmouth, or any snake for that matter, is relax. Fear does two negative things for you. First, it scares the snake even more and could make him strike again. Second, your blood pumps quicker through your body when you are scared. This will make the venom travel more quickly through your body.
Get a good look at the snake or have a friend kill it. You want to know what type of snake has bitten you. This will help the doctor and emergency staff administer the right medicine to treat your Cottonmouth Bite. Remember, you may not know you have a Cottonmouth Bite unless you look at the snake.
Place a venom extractor over the bite and suction out as much venom as you can. It has been shown that making cuts around the bite mark and sucking out venom with your mouth is dangerous and much less helpful.
Move slowly to get your your vehicle. You don't want to run because this will pump the venom throughout your body quicker. If possible, have someone drag or carry you to the vehicle.
Get to a medical clinic as soon as possible. Do not delay. Waiting too long could cost you a limb or your life. Cottonmouth bites are extremely dangerous if not treated immediately.