How to Recognize a North American Poisonous Snake
The first thing you will want to know is that all snakes will bite, and just because a snake is not poisonous, it does not mean it will not hurt you if it does. Even a non-poisonous snake can give you a nasty infection, so the first step is to leave it alone.
There are four types of poisonous snakes in North America. The first is the rattlesnake. There are many variations of rattlesnakes found in America, and all of them are dangerous. They generally can be recognized by the rattle on the end of their tails, and the sound that the tail emits when you are to close. Also, the rattlesnake has the typical diamond-shaped head, and pits in its snout. This snake is armed with two large fangs that deliver varying amounts of venom.
The next snake you will want to recognize is the cottonmouth, or water moccasin. This is a heavy-bodied snake that varies in color. It also has the diamond-shaped head and pits. This snake is not slow in showing off its two fangs, as it often will open its mouth in anger if you get close. Another identifying characteristic is the white inside of the mouth. If you are close enough to see this, then you are too close.
The next type of poisonous snake you might come across is the copperhead. This snake has a less defined diamond-shaped head, and again the two pits. This snake is one of the most commonly misidentified as it resembles some non-poisonous snakes. Make no mistake, however, this snake is dangerous, and will bite.