Home Remedies for Brown Recluse Spiders
Peppermint and Lavender Soap Remedy
Mix 5 tbsp. of peppermint or lavender soap, 1 qt. of water and 5 tbsp. of peppermint or lavender essential oil in a 32 oz. spray bottle. Place the sprayer on the bottle and gently shake the solution to mix the ingredients. Spray any corners, baseboards and other areas of your home with the peppermint or lavender remedy. Re-spray your house weekly or whenever you see a brown recluse spider. You can buy peppermint and lavender soaps at herb shops, health food stores and online outlets.
Tea Tree Oil and Citrus Oil Remedy
Mix 1 drop of tea tree or citrus oil and 1 qt. of water in a 16 oz. spray bottle. Place the sprayer on the bottle and gently shake the solution to mix the oil and water. Spray any brown recluse spiders you see directly with the solution as well as any corners, baseboards and other areas of your home to keep spiders away. You can find Tea Tree and citrus oils at herb shops, health food stores and online outlets.
Pennyroyal Oil Remedy
Saturate three to four cotton balls or scraps of absorbent cloth with Pennyroyal oil. Wear latex gloves to keep the oil off your hands. Pennyroyal oil is harmful to pets and humans and has a strong odor. Place the cotton balls or cloths in areas of your home where you have seen brown recluse spiders. You can buy Pennyroyal Oil at herb shops, health food stores and online outlets.
Borax and Baking Soda Remedy
Sprinkle borax or baking soda in any corners, baseboards and other areas of your home to keep the spiders away, or on any surfaces where you have seen brown recluse spiders. Both substances are available at grocery and retail and online outlets.
Kerosene Remedy
To keep brown recluse spiders from entering your home from the outside, pour kerosene around your home's foundation, windowsills, screens and doorways. Kerosene is flammable until it dries and it has an odor for three to four hours. Keep the fuel away from any open flames or heat sources and wear a nose mask if the odor bothers you. You can buy kerosene at service stations and certain hardware/home improvement stores.
Additional Remedies
Place 1/2 cup of Eucalyptus leaves in your home's closets, dresser drawers and under any large pieces of furniture you may have. Eucalyptus leaves keep brown recluse spiders away due to their smell. If Eucalyptus leaves are not available, place chestnuts around the outside of your home and on each windowsill. Replace any chestnuts taken by animals on a weekly basis. You can buy both substances at herb shops, health food stores and online outlets.