Do Tiny Brown House Spiders Bite?
Cobweb Spiders
Cobweb spiders, also known as the common house spider, are less than an inch long with a spherical body. The bite of this spider is harmless to humans. Cobweb spiders are common in all areas of the United States, usually building their webs in dimly lit corners.
Hobo Spiders
Found in the Pacific Northwest, Hobo spiders are brown house arachnids measuring up to 2/3-inch in length. Hobo spiders deliver bites that do not cause any pain at first. However, their venom results in blistering and pain around the bite. Other symptoms, like headaches, visual problems and nausea, can also occur.
Brown Recluse Spiders
The deadliest of all house spiders, the Brown Recluse spider, measures up to 3/4-inch and prefers dark, damp living conditions. Commonly found in the southern part of the United States, the Brown Recluse's bite may be initially painless. A painful sore develops at the site within a few hours, with eventual necrosis if not treated promptly.