Symptoms of a Black or Brown Widow Bite
Victims of a black widow bite will experience pain around the area of the bite. This pain may also lead to intense muscle cramps around the area, abdominal pain and muscle tremors. Large muscle groups like the shoulder and back can be impacted as well, creating tremendous pain for the bite victim. These symptoms are also found in brown widow bites, but to lesser intensities.
In addition to the localized pain created by the bite and venom, victims may experience a spike in blood pressure and an elevated heart rate. Blood pressure elevation is a sure sign that the victim needs medical attention, as it can lead to cardiac arrest and other dangerous complications. As with any poisonous bite, seeking medical attention is probably the best plan no matter how severe the symptoms may seem.
Other Reactions
While the pain and vital problems are common to black and brown widow bites, you may also see some other symptoms from victims. Vomiting, a sense of nausea, fainting and dizziness, severe chest pain and respiratory difficulties have all been seen as a result of these bites. Many of the symptoms of black and brown widow spider bites mimic those of traditional illness, so if you believe you have been bitten and are feeling ill, you should speak with a physician to be sure.