Treatments for Red Back Spider Bites

There are over 34,000 species of spider in the world today and almost all of them have fangs and are venomous to a certain degree. Luckily for humans, less than 0.5% of those spiders are able to penetrate human skin and only a small number are actually considered dangerous. There are not many naturally aggressive spiders in the world, most are shy and would rather avoid humans rather than attack unprovoked.
  1. Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasselti)

    • The redback spider is native to Australia and is considered potentially dangerous. It is similar to a black widow spider. The female redback spider is recognized by a red stripe running down its jet black body. The female is a quarter of an inch in length and the male is slightly smaller. Adult males are rarely seen as they are usually eaten by the female after mating. Redback spiders are one of the most dangerous in Australia

    Red Spider Bite and Symptoms

    • It is only the female redback spider whose bite is dangerous. According to the Australian Venom Research Unit in Melbourne, thousands of people in Australia are bitten every year but only a fifth of those actually require treatment. The research unit also states there have only been 14 recorded deaths from redback spiders. Female spiders rarely leave their nests so a bite is most likely to occur when putting a bare hand or foot through the spiders web.

      The bite caused by a redback is likely to cause severe pain followed by profuse sweating. Swelling and redness spread from the bite after a few hours. Headaches, nausea, fever and hypertension may also occur. Rare symptoms such as seizures and coma are rare but do happen if left untreated.


    • If possible the spider should be caught so it can be positively identified by the medical center but only if it is safe to do so.

      Immediately apply ice to the bite to relieve the pain and swelling. Because venom flow is slow it is best not to apply a pressure bandage as this may also worsen the pain. After arriving at the medical center the patient will need to be kept under observation for at least six hours. Redback anti venom will only be given in severe cases, where chest and abdominal pain is occurring along with any abnormal sweating. Anti venom is given as an injection into the muscle as it is believed it works more effectively than by giving it intravenously or subcutaneously. Dosage is the same for both children and adults.

    Alternative Treatments for Redback Spider Bites

    • Apple cider vinegar can be used to help with pain from a spider bite as can aspirin paste. However, because of the dangers associated with a redback spider bite is is always important to seek immediate medical help after being bitten.

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