Common Spiders Found in the House
The Common House Spider
Most people have noticed cobwebs in the corners of a room or stretching across a ceiling. The common house spider builds these webs. This species, which can be grow up to one inch, has a grayish brown body with spots on its legs. The common house spider is not venomous and almost never bites unless provoked.
The Brown Recluse
The brown recluse can easily be taken inside a home without being noticed. This species likes to hide inside bags, boxes and other objects that are carried into the home. Brown recluse spiders sometimes hide in folded clothing, sheets and blankets. They are light to dark brown in color and have tiny hairs on their legs and body. You can identify them from a distinctive violin shape on the upper abdomen. The brown recluse is an extremely venomous spider so it is best to be careful if you spot one in your home. A bite from this spider demands immediate medical attention. The venom can produce serious inflammatory skin reactions, and more rarely blood clots, kidney damage and even death in young children.
The Jumping Spider
These spiders make their way into a home when temperatures start to drop outside. They watch and wait for prey then jump on it instead of waiting for it to come to the spider web. The jumping spider is not venomous but may bite if it feels cornered. Jumping spiders are found in the home around ceilings, doorways and other areas.
Black House Spider
These spiders are often seen around areas like the bathroom, windows and light fixtures as the light from these areas attract their prey. This is a black spider that is about one-half inch in size. They are venomous spiders but their bite is not considered dangerous to most people. If symptoms like fever, body pain and nausea occur, a person should seek medical treatment right away.
The Sac Spider
These spiders are not seen making webs. They usually hide somewhere inside the house, in the top corners of a room close to the ceiling. They will bite if provoked. The bite can be painful, causing sores to appear. Medical attention is needed to prevent infection.