Garden Spiders: What to Know
1. Appearance:
- Large, orb-weaver spiders with long legs and a distinctive zig-zag pattern on their white abdomen.
- Female garden spiders are larger than males.
2. Habitat:
- Garden spiders are found in gardens, fields, and other open areas with vegetation.
- They build their webs between trees, shrubs, and tall grass.
3. Web:
- Garden spiders weave large, circular webs with sticky silk.
- The webs are used to trap insects for food.
4. Diet:
- Garden spiders are predators and feed primarily on insects such as flies, moths, and beetles.
- They wait in the center of their webs for prey to get caught.
5. Behavior:
- Garden spiders are generally not aggressive towards humans but may bite if handled or threatened.
- The bites are usually not harmful but can be painful.
6. Lifecycle:
- Garden spiders have an annual lifecycle.
- Females lay eggs in the fall, which hatch into spiderlings in the spring.
- Spiderlings grow throughout the summer and reach maturity in the fall.
7. Beneficial:
- Garden spiders are considered beneficial insects as they help to control populations of harmful insects.
- They do not pose a significant threat to humans.
8. Common Name:
- Garden spiders are also known as orb-weaver spiders or writing spiders due to their distinctive web patterns.
9. Size:
- They are relatively large spiders with leg spans ranging from 2 to 4 inches.
10. Safety Precautions:
- If you encounter a garden spider, it is best to admire it from a distance and avoid touching or disturbing it.