Signs & Symptoms of a Spider Bite in a Baby
Bite Site
When your baby is bitten, several signs will occur at and around the actual bite site. In the case of a black widow bite, you probably will not see any major outward signs other than a small red spot where your baby was bitten, according to the Mayo Clinic. The site may become mildly red or swollen. Usually this is noticeable almost immediately after the bite occurs, which feels like a tiny pinprick to your baby.
When the spider bite is from a brown recluse, there is a far more serious skin reaction. The actual bite itself is more painful to your baby and will likely feel like she has been stung. According to the Mayo Clinic, shortly after your baby is bitten, a fluid-filled blister will form around the bite site. The reaction will intensify as time goes on and the site will become red and inflamed. The blisters become worse and a rash may develop. Eventually, the blisters will turn into ulcerations.
Physical Symptoms
As the venom from the spider infects your baby's blood stream, other physical symptoms may occur. Unfortunately, many of the physical symptoms may not be noticeable to you. Depending on your baby's age, he may not be able to communicate his reason for distress. General symptoms from a black widow bite usually take several hours to occur, according to Mom's Who Think. Once the symptoms take effect, severe pain will set in, accompanied by stiffness of the joints. Your baby may also begin to develop a high fever and chills. Nausea and extreme stomach pains are common, as well. Occasionally, your baby may develop hives, depending on how the venom reacts in his system.
As the effects of a brown recluse bite progress, generally in a matter of several hours, your baby may become nauseated, according to Skin Sight. A high fever can develop. Another common symptom is fatigue. You may also find your baby will become listless, and it can be difficult to stir him or get him to focus on anything.
In rare cases, symptoms become extreme. Occasionally, your baby may develop anaphylaxis as her body reacts to the bite, says Skin Sight. You will need to act quickly. When your baby experiences this, her face can begin to swell, as well as her tongue and throat. This is often caused by an allergic reaction to the spider bite, similar to that of a bee sting. Once the swelling begins, her breathing may become strained and her body can go into shock.