Brown Spider Bite Treatment
Home Care/First Aid
If you think you may have been bitten by a brown recluse spider, immediately pack the bite area with ice to decrease any pain or swelling. Wash the bite wound with soap and water and then elevate it above the level of the heart. Do not do anything strenuous that might speed the spread of the venom.
In the hospital, the doctor will most likely administer a tetanus injection, begin an antibiotic regimen, begin antihistamines for itchiness and pain medication. Possible alternative treatments include the administration of oral, topical or injectable corticosteriods, but only if the bite occurred less than 24 hours previously.
Follow-up care will include good wound care practices to prevent secondary bacterial infections if the wound does not heal quickly. Proper cleaning and dressing of the wound will prevent bacterial infections. Surgery to remove necrotized or dead tissues may be warranted, and in severe cases, skin grafts and amputations may be necessary.
The following treatments should be avoided at all costs: Do not apply heat, as this will speed up the process; do not apply hydrocortisone creams; do not try to suction out the venom or cut away the affected tissue; and do not apply electricity to destroy the venom.
Statistical Information
Brown recluse spider bites are usually not fatal, with most bites that have received prompt medical treatment healing within a few days to a month or so. Bites that go untreated for extended periods of time will be the most difficult to treat later as the venom will have destroyed underlying tissues and the wounds will most likely have developed bacterial infections which may become systemic, sometimes becoming fatal.