What Are the Symptoms of a Spider Bite?
Spider Bite Identification
Most spider bites share common characteristics such as a small blister in the middle of the bite surrounded by swelling of a larger red or ruddy circle. On the outside of these two is a paler circle. You will also not see multiple bites from a single spider -- they only bite once, so if you have numerous bites it is more likely you have been bitten by something other than a spider or possibly multiple ones. A typical spider bite lasts several days and in most cases need not require any special attention.
Harmless Spider Bites
Lethal spider bites are extremely rare and the less harmful species of spiders are non-agressive and will bite simply as a defense mechanism. Venom levels vary amongst species, but in most spider bites this is minimal and will not require any special treatment. Common garden spiders found in the U.S. and Europe fall into this category and will only cause a mild level of discomfort. Simply cleaning the wound and applying a topical cool cloth or ice to reduce swelling will probably be more than enough protection.
Dangerous Spider Bites
You may be aware when you are bitten by a dangerous spider, although this is not always the immediate case. Eventually, the symptoms far outweigh the normal bite which is usually contained to mere redness and itchiness at the site. Dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, loss of vision and sometimes even paralysis of limbs or other parts of the body may be symptomatic of a highly-venomous bite. The site may be raised, ugly and produce necrotic tissue or other symptoms that are more severe than the reaction to a normal spider bite, although this may takes hours to manifest. Seeking a physician is recommended in the case of even a suspected lethal bite as treatment will be needed immediately and you will not want to delay. Clean out the venomous bite as soon as possible to prevent further spread of infection and try to elevate the bite, which will help lessen the spread of venom to other parts of your system. You may wish to tightly bandage the area to restrict blood flow.
Brown Recluse Spider
One of the most dangerous spiders in the U.S., the brown recluse spider has venom that can cause severe cutaneous injury with permanent tissue loss/necrosis. This spider lives predominantly in the south although is found on both the east and west coasts of the United States and is characterized by six eyes arranged in pairs instead of the usual eight and a dark violin shape on the leg area and abdomen.
Black Widow Spider
This dangerous spider administers a painful bite which can be fatal to children or elderly. An effective anti-venom has been developed for this bite, so immediately go to the hospital if suspected of being bitten. Black widow spiders hang out in woodpiles, sheds and garages, crawlspaces, under debris or rocks and are characterized by its 1/2 inch long black body with a red to yellowish-orange hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen.
Hobo Spiders
Although the initial bite may go unnoticed for a time, the bite of the Hobo spider can be serious. Severe headache and disorientation is often present after a bite, which will appear red at the site before developing into a blister within 24 hours. The blister will break open between 24-36 hours and leave an painful oozing ulceration. These spiders are found in Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Colorado, Wymoning, Montana and Utah. They are characterized as approximately 1/3 to 1/2 inch in body length, brown and have several chevron shaped markings on their abdomen.