Poisonous Spider Bite Symptoms
Black Widow Bites
The black widow female is the most venomous North American spider. Fortunately, very little if any toxin is usually injected, which is why the death rate from black widow bites is less than 1 percent. The elderly and smaller children are most at risk of serious reactions.
Black Widow Symptoms
The black widow's bite will bring only a little pain, but the area can turn red, swell and have a burning sensation. Other possible symptoms include abdominal pains, muscle cramps, headaches, sweating, tearing up in the eyes, swollen eyelids, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, acute high blood pressure, breathing trouble,chest pain and a feeling of paralysis--with the legs particularly vulnerable.
Anyone who that suffer more than mild discomfort should seek immediate medical attention, especially those with any heart conditions. Antivenins are given in severe cases.
Brown Recluse Bites
The brown recluse's bite can have long-term consequences that can become severe. Injected venim is a neurotoxin that can destroy tissue cells.
Brown Recluse Symptoms
While you might not even feel the initial bite, severe pain can follow up to eight hours later. Lethargy, discomfort, nausea and intense itching can follow.
In serious cases, a blister will form, followed by an ulcer on the skin. The area might turn red or purple and take on the look of a bull's-eye. The surrounding skin can slough away and expose the tissue. This often takes weeks to heal fully. In rare cases, coma, seizures, jaundice and/or failure of the kidneys can occur.
Medical attention should be sought immediately after a bite is detected.
The female black widow has a shiny black body with a red hourglass pattern on the abdomen. The brown recluse, or fiddleback spider, is brownish and has the shape of a violin on its upper back. Both spiders prefer dark places like sheds, garages, attics and other quiet spots. They also live in rock and woodpiles.