How to : Black Widow Bite Treatment
Things You'll Need
- Knowledge of what a Black Widow Spider looks like.
- Stick or insect vacuum for removing webs and eggs.
- Local hospital location, 911 information.
- ice pack or cold pack
- Transportation to the local emergency ward.
- Compression bandage
Black Widow Spiders are small black spiders with a large abdomen with a bright red hour glass on their abdomen. (see photos, this EHow article). They spin webs and like dark places.
They are by nature rather timid and most bites occur when you put your hand or bare foot on them or in their nest. They have been known to climb in laundry clothes and on clothing hanging on clothes lines and bite humans when they fold the clothes, put them on.
They like building eves, barns, garages, wood piles, old pipes and sheltered areas behind buildings.
Preventing Black Widow Bites: Black Widow Spiders are generally not aggressive spiders. Black Widow bites are generally caused by disturbing or threatening the spider, like crushing with your hand or foot.
Destroy existing Black Widow Spiders and Webs: Inspect your yard and out buildings for Black Widow webs in the spring and fall. Destroy any Black Widows, their webs and eggs. Check inside your garage and sheds in corners, behind and in open boxes and behind washers and dryers, behind large objects and under eves.
Remove brush piles, log stack and rock piles from your yard.
Ensure family members are aware of what Black Widow Spiders look like and their dangers. Have small children show you when they find them.
If you do laundry in a garage or out building, bring dried clothes into the house immediately to fold.
If Bitten: If you think you are bitten, try to verify it was a Black Widow. Symptoms include a red wound site, chills, fever, nausea and very sever abdominal pain. Medical attention is required, small children, senior citizens and the ill my die from a Black Widow bite.
If bitten on an arm or leg: snugly tie a compression bandage around the limb close to the bite, snugly, do NOT tie a tourniquet. This should be between the bite and the victim's heart. This will slow the spread of venom.
Elevate the injured part to slow circulation of the venom.
Apply ice packs, cold packs or a cloth soaked in cold water to ease pain of the bite.
Call 911 or transport the victim immediately to your local emergency ward. Victim's must receive anti venom.