How to Deal with Spider Bites
Things You'll Need
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Gauze
- Antiseptic
- Tweezers
Spider bites the majority of the time are harmless in the long term, and although some might be painful, they usually disappear after a few hours. Of the spiders commonly found in the United States, there are only a few that will even cause a reaction in humans, and even fewer that can potentially be dangerous. If you have been bitten, then identifying the spider in question should be the first thing to do if it is still around.
Most spiders are incapable of piercing human skin, as their fangs are too small or flimsy. The spiders that can pierce skin and can cause a painful bite in the United States are: Hobo spider, Orb web spider, Brown Recluse spider, Huntsman spider, House spider, Black Widow and the Wolf spider. None of these are inherently deadly, and in fact only really the black widow is dangerous to most people. The Brown recluse may cause necrosis with its venom however, and the others listed can give painful bites.
Usually spider bites will usually present themselves as a small red bump, with a similar feeling to a bee or wasp sting. If the spider has bitten you while you are awake, then you can try to squeeze the venom out of the wound using some tweezers, which will shorten the effects.
If you encounter any Necrosis symptoms, or the bite doesn't heal after a few days on its own, then getting medical advice is a good idea. Necrosis is basically when the flesh around a bite rots and dies, eventually falling off. Although this is not usually fatal in spider bites, it can cause a large wound that will leave a large scar.
The next stage of most spider bites will usually be a slight numbness and perhaps soreness around the bite area. Some spider bites can tend to get infected very easily and can even have bacteria passed into them from the spider themselves. Because of this the next thing to do should be to is to use some rubbing alcohol and then antiseptic cream on the affected area.
A small percentage of people will encounter allergic reactions to spider bites, which can include shock, breathing difficulties and even paralysis. In these cases a physician should be consulted immediately as the bite recipient will require hospital care.