Allergic Reactions to Spider Bites
While a normal spider bite may be painful and cause some skin irritation, if you are actually allergic to spider venom, being bitten can lead to a much more serious situation.
While there is a possibility of having an allergic reaction to any type of spider bite, there are certain spiders that are known to cause allergic reactions more often. The bite of a black widow spider is often followed by cramps, muscle spasms, tingling in the limbs, headache, dizziness and even vomiting. The bite of a brown recluse leaves a large, misshapen blister behind, surrounded by a red ring. When the blister pops, it leaves an area of lesions behind that will continue to enlarge unless treated properly.
There are several effects associated with an allergic reaction to a spider bite. They can range from flu-like symptoms with fever and sweating to serious health risks, such as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a condition where a person's throat swells shut, which makes breathing difficult, and may also include swelling of the lips and tongue or an itchy feeling in the throat. Other signs of an allergic reaction to a spider bit include swelling of the bite location and of the eyelids and hands, as well as an outbreak of hives. These are raised, red lumps in the skin that may occur in one localized area or may spread over the entire body, and can be itchy.
Many people don't know they are allergic to spider bites until they are actually bitten by one. Then it could turn into a life-threatening situation. If a person is allergic to other insect bites or allergic to a multitude of different things, he should be especially aware of what could happen if it turns out he is also allergic to spider bites and be prepared just in case.
Almost all spiders are venomous to a degree, but usually they are too small and their venom is too weak to hurt something as large as a human being. The only time a spider bite can become life-threatening is if the person bitten is allergic or if they receive multiple bites.
Someone suffering from anaphylaxis that does not seek treatment as soon as possible could go into shock. If the victim does not seek emergency care as soon as possible once shock has set in, the situation could become life-threatening.