About Brown Recluse Spiders
The spider is roughly about ¼ to ¾ of an inch, however it may grow larger. The bite from a brown recluse can actually become 3 times larger than the spider itself, as the area around the bite becomes inflamed and red.
There are many spiders that look like the brown recluse, but these spiders are actually a different species. The hobo and wolf spider look very similar to a brown recluse. A true brown recluse spider has a violin shaped body, eight very long legs, and is a light tan or brownish color. There are 13 different recluse species in America. The most common is the basic brown recluse. Other brown recluse species are named loxosceles recluse, Arizona brown spider and the desert recluse.
The brown recluse spider doesn't always inject venom when it bites, but when it does inject venom the effects are clearly seen a few hours later. The bite becomes large, inflamed and swollen. A person may feel nauseous and fatigued. This type of spider bite should be treated promptly. A bite from a brown recluse can leave a permanent scar because the flesh around the bite dies off, leaving a gaping hole in the skin. In some cases, a bite from a recluse can take years to completely heal. If a bite is not taken care of right away, gangrene can set in and a person may need to have the limb amputated.
The brown recluse spider primarily lives in the United States. The vast majority of the species are found only in certain parts of the country. These spiders live in the Southwest and Midwest portions of America. Large populations live in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska and Texas. Some cases of brown recluse spider bites have also been seen in Ohio and other neighboring states. Basically, the brown recluse can be found on a large chunk of the lower half of the United States.
There are many things that can be done to prevent or eliminate an existing brown recluse infestation. One of the best ways to eliminate these pests is to use the Big H traps (see Resources below). These traps eliminate the spider without using harmful poisons. Big H products recommended putting the traps in closets or other areas where the brown recluse may hide. Keep all of your unused clothing and other items in plastic storage bins rather than cardboard boxes. Keep your bed on a frame above the floor and don't allow your blankets to touch the floor, even if they slightly hang off the bed.