Spider Bites that Burn
Brown Recluse
The brown recluse is easily distinguished by a violin-shaped mark on its back. Brown in color, the spider is less than 1 inch long. These spiders live in the southern portion of the United States, stretching from California to West Virginia. Their bites produce a burning sensation and turn painful within a matter of hours. It is possible to not know you were bitten until much later. Bite marks turn red and blister and can produce a fever or nausea. There have been fatal cases, so it is important to seek medical attention if you believe you were bitten by a brown recluse.
Black Widow
Watch out for black widow webs under your patio or in your woodpiles. The black widow is a poisonous spider that's venom can attack your nervous system. These spiders live in warm climates and often reside in wood piles and garages. It is important to check for webs before reaching into any dark areas if you know you have black widows. This small black spider has a red or orange hourglass shape on its underside. Their bites can produce a burning sensation, cramping, high blood pressure and chest pain. Apply ice to the area and avoid too much movement as that will make the venom flow through the blood. Visit your doctor or emergency clinic immediately.
Golden Silk
Golden silk spiders weave yellow colored webs. The golden silk spider is also known as the banana spider due to its yellow abdomen. It is found throughout the southern United States. They are easy to spot by their yellow body and orange striped legs. They can grow from 2 to 5 inches in length. While these spiders may look large and scary, they are not lethal. Their bites may produce similar symptoms as a black widow, such as burning, redness or chest pains.
Hobo Spider
Hobo spiders are a type of house spider. They are generally found in residential areas, inside and closely outside homes. They are prominent in the northwestern United States. It is possible to not immediately feel a bite from a hobo spider. Burning may occur, and within a day or two, a blister will appear. The bite area may expand with redness and turn into a welt. While the hobo spider bite is not fatal, it is often confused with the brown recluse bite, so it is best to visit a medical professional to determine what type of spider bit you.