What Happens When You're Bit by a Scorpion?
Kinds of Scorpions
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are approximately 1,500 species of scorpion across the globe. Only about 30 of these species are dangerous. Of these, only the bark scorpion found in the United States mostly in the southwest, is of concern. Other dangerous species live in disparate parts of the globe, including Mexico, South America and India.
Sting Symptoms in Adults
Muscle twitching, weakness, rapid breathing, high blood pressure and racing heart rate are symptoms of a scorpion sting in adults. It is also possible to experience convulsions, numbness and frothing at the mouth specifically after a bark scorpion sting. Pain and swelling occur where the sting happened on the body.
Sting Symptoms in Children
A medical professional should treat any children who might have suffered a scorpion sting. Symptoms of a sting in children are slightly different than those experienced by adults. Pain, numbness and tingling at the sting site might be present, but swelling will not usually occur. Children will also drool, sweat, exhibit restlessness, excitability or cry a great deal. Muscle twitching, thrashing and unusual head, neck and eye movement may also be present.
Seek medical attention right away, specifically if you experience more than one of the symptoms or if the victim is a child. For a minor sting, Web MD gives these recommendations for first aid treatment: wash the sting with soap and water and apply cold compresses to the sting site. Web MD also recommends acetaminophen for pain but advises patients not to take aspirin or ibuprofen products such as Motrin or Advil.