What Is Good to Use for Spider Bites?
Pump Kits
Remove poisons and venom using a pump kit. Sawyer's Extractor Vacuum Pump is a very effective extractor, as it provides the most powerful suction on the market. This kit nullifies pain in mere minutes and, if used properly, leaves no swelling whatsoever.
Soap & Water
Cleanse the wound as well as the wound's surrounding area using a simple soap and warm water solution. No matter the severity of the bite, this method of treatment is extremely effective in voiding any toxic remnants left by the spider.
Icing the bite immediately will freeze the venom in its place, not allowing it to course through your veins. This method, however, is regarded as a more temporary solution, because the freezing will eventually wear off.
Epinephrine Autoinjector
Inject yourself with an epinephrine autoinjector (Epi-Pen). This shot of sheer adrenaline will combat the effects of most contaminations.
These treatments are all also effective on snake bites, bee and wasp stings, and mosquito bites.