Types of Dangerous Spiders in Terra Bella, California
Black Widow
The distinctive red markings of a black widow spider make it easy to recognize. Black widows are among the best-known poisonous spiders. They live in most areas of North America, including Terra Bella, Calif. Though a bite from a black widow is unlikely to kill you, it can make you very sick, so it's important to get treatment right away. The venom of black widows is especially dangerous to children, the elderly and people with weak immune systems. A bite from a black widow will typically start as a small, painful wound that may quickly become swollen.
Brown Recluse
A brown recluse has a violin shape on its back. Brown recluses thrive in dark, damp environments, so you're most likely to find them in a wood pile or a dark shed. These spiders have a violin-shaped marking on their back. The biggest risk from a bite is an infection. Treat a bite with an antibiotic ointment and call your doctor immediately if you have swelling or other signs of infection.
Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders may look intimidating and their bites may be painful, but they are not actually venomous. Wolf spiders build large, impressive webs and are among the most commonly seen spiders in California. Though these spiders are aggressive, their bites are not highly venomous. Unless you are allergic to the bite or develop an infection, a bite from this spider will feel similar to a mosquito bite. These spiders kill stinging insects and other smaller spiders, so they are actually beneficial to people.
Northwestern Brown Spider
Though these spiders are not native to California, they appear to be migrating southward from Washington and Oregon, and the California Poison Control System has reported an increase in bites from these spiders. The venom from a bite remains localized, which means it won't poison or kill you. However, these bites leave gaping, slow-healing wounds that can be extraordinarily painful and may lead to infection. Northwestern brown spiders are most commonly found in areas not typically inhabited by humans such as abandoned buildings. Occasionally referred to as hobo spiders, these arachnids can be recognized by the chevron pattern on their backs.
Other Spiders
Though there are few poisonous spiders living in Terra Bella, all spider bites are potentially dangerous. Tarantula bites, for example, can be so painful that they require pain medication. Some people may develop allergies to spider venom, and an infected spider bite can be extremely dangerous. If you're not sure if the spider that has bitten you is poisonous, see a doctor right away.