How to Stop a Tick Bite
Things You'll Need
- High-ankle socks
- Insect repellent with DEET
- Long pants
- Long-sleeved shirts
- Tweezers
Preventing a tick bite
Wear light-colored clothing in order to easily see when a tick attaches itself to your outerwear. When planning to be outdoors, dress appropriately with long pants and a long-sleeved shirt to keep exposed skin at a minimum.
Pull socks over the bottom of your pant legs. This will prevent ticks from crawling up your legs, under your clothing.
Spray your clothing with an insect repellent that has deet. Make sure to cover boots or sneakers with the repellent since ticks live close to the ground and are likely to come in contact with your shoes.
Avoid the areas where ticks live. Ticks survive in grassy, wooded areas with a lot of brush and vegetation close to the ground.
Stay in the middle of a well-marked trail to avoid coming in contact with shrubs and undergrowth.
Check your entire body for ticks when you return indoors. Removing a tick from your body with fine-tipped tweezers before it becomes engorged is the best way to prevent contracting a tick-borne disease.