How to Kill Tick Nymphs
Things You'll Need
- Fine-tipped tweezers
- Container with a tight-sealing lid
- Water
- Soap
- Rubbing alcohol
Grab the tick`s head or body with small tweezers.
Slide the tick out of the skin firmly in a straight pull. Don`t twist the tick or it might break off in the skin.
Put the tick nymph into a container and seal it. You could also flush the tick down a toilet, but a doctor might want it for testing if the bite victim later becomes sick. The tick eventually dies in the container, but you can speed the process by putting ear alcohol, Frontline or Advantage in the container. Frontline and Advantage are commercial repellents.
Wash the wound with water and soap; wash your hands. Clean the area of the skin with rubbing alcohol.
Pay attention for any signs of infection or illness. Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever can result from bites from ticks that are at the nymph stage.