| | Bites Stings | Tick Bites
How to Get Rid of Ticks on People
Things You'll Need
- Fine-point tweezers
- Cloth or tissue
- Sealable container
- Alcohol
- Antiseptic
Grab the tick firmly by its head using a pair of fine-point tweezers. Do not grab the tick by its body. If no tweezers are available, a piece of cloth or tissue can suffice. Get as close to the skin as possible, but avoid touching the tick directly, as it can transfer disease.
Pull the tick outward from the skin. Make one quick motion, and avoid turning or twisting the tick.
Conserve the tick by placing it in a sealable container. If symptoms of Lyme disease or another illness develop, it can help to know what type of tick was found. You can first kill the trick by dropping it into alcohol.
Clean the bite area with an antiseptic.