What Is the Safest Way to Remove a Tick?
Remove Immediately
Remove the tick as soon as possible to reduce the chance of infection. Risk of infection and disease transmission increase 24-72 hours after the tick attaches itsef to the skin.
Safest Method
Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the head of the tick below the bite; this will be close to the skin. Pull the tick straight out of the skin. Using this method effectively might require pulling some skin away with the tick. It could be painful, but it is the safest way to prevent disease transmission. Once the tick has been removed, the skin may be swabbed with alcohol.
Don't use petroleum jelly, soap, alcohol, or a hot match to remove a tick. These can agitate the tick into releasing toxins into the host. These methods can also cause the tick to burrow deeper and to release more saliva, increasing the chance of disease transmission and infection.