Wisconsin Tick Identification
Deer Tick
The deer tick, also known as a bear tick or a blacklegged tick, is much smaller than the wood tick. Adults are about 1/8 inch long and reddish-brown in color. They live in the woods and are common along trails in Wisconsin. Deer ticks crawl, rather than jump, so are most likely to come into contact with humans as they brush against low-lying vegetation.
Wood Tick
Wood ticks are a type of hard tick. Male wood ticks have mottled gray backs. Females have gray coloration behind their heads. They are found in both grassy and wooded areas.
Both wood ticks and deer ticks can occasionally cause illness in their hosts. The deer tick can sometimes carry Lyme disease, which can cause a rash, fever, tiredness, and flu-like symptoms. Wood ticks can carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a rare but sometimes serious illness that causes a rash and severe flu-like symptoms.