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Seed Tick Cures

Seed ticks are small, spider-like animals that latch on to the skin and feed themselves with the host's blood. Though their bite usually doesn't carry a disease, there are times when a tick bite could lead to fevers, headaches and Lyme disease. That is why it is important to remove ticks as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are several cures and remedies for seed tick bites.
  1. Home seed tick bite cures

    • When a tick is spotted, remove it with a pair of tweezers. Be sure to remove it in a vertical motion and check to make sure all parts of the seed tick are gone. This will help prevent a future infection. When removing the seed tick with tweezers, grasp it carefully; if it is crushed during removal, contents from its stomach could leak on to the skin, which could also cause an infection.

      To reduce the risk of breaking open a seed tick, it's also possible to take it off with masking tape. Seed ticks are one of the smallest types of tick, which makes it easier to remove them with tape. Apply a two-inch strip of tape to where the seed tick is stuck and peel it off of the skin. Whichever method is used to remove the seed tick, please remember to wash your hands afterward.

    Medicinal seed tick bite cures

    • Sometimes even prompt removal of a seed tick isn't enough to cure its bite. If the bite becomes irritated, put on an antibiotic ointment such as bacitracin or polymyxin B sulfate and cover it with an adhesive bandage. The ointment will prevent the bandage from sticking to the skin. Stop using the ointment if the bandage-covered area of the skin starts itching or a rash appears. The ointment could be causing a skin reaction.

      Antihistamine medicines can help reduce itching, redness and swelling. Local anesthetics that have benzocaine in them can also help relieve some pain. Calamine lotion is another option to stop itching caused by the seed tick bite. Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and acetaminophen are all non-prescription cures that can help with the pain.

    Following up after curing a seed tick bite

    • After removing a seed tick from the skin and applying or taking the proper medicine, be sure to keep an eye on the infected area. Symptoms of a seed tick bite might not show up for a few days or even a couple of weeks. If you notice anything in the realm of fever, muscle pain, chills, swollen glands or a rash around the seed tick bite within a month after the bite, contact your doctor immediately for medication.

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