How to Avoid Ticks When Pregnant
- Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pants when in areas where ticks are present. Tuck your pants into your socks.
- Wear shoes that cover your entire foot.
- Use insect repellent that contains DEET or picaridin on your skin and clothes.
- Stay on cleared trails when hiking.
- Avoid walking through tall grass or weeds.
- Keep your lawn and garden mowed and remove leaf litter.
- Check yourself, your children, and your pets for ticks after spending time outdoors.
- If you find a tick, remove it promptly and carefully with a pair of tweezers.
- Wash your hands after removing a tick.
- Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about ticks.
Additional Tips:
- Wear a hat when outdoors.
- Tuck your hair into your shirt or hat.
- Inspect your clothing and body regularly for ticks.
- Avoid sitting on logs or rocks in wooded areas.
- Use permethrin-treated clothing.
- Be aware of the times of day when ticks are most active (generally dawn and dusk).
- Avoid picking up or handling dead animals.