Should you be worried if noticed a hard pea-sized lump on the right side of your forehead at hairline?
There are various reasons why a hard pea-sized lump may occur at this location. Some potential causes include:
Sebaceous cyst: Sebaceous cysts are noncancerous growths that develop from the sebaceous glands. These glands are responsible for producing sebum, an oily substance that helps to lubricate the skin and hair. When a sebaceous gland becomes clogged or obstructed, it can cause a cyst to form. Sebaceous cysts are usually benign, but they can occasionally become infected or inflamed, requiring treatment.
Lipoma: Lipomas are noncancerous growths that are composed of fat tissue. They can develop anywhere in the body, including the forehead. Lipomas are usually soft to the touch and can be easily moved around beneath the skin. They are typically harmless and do not require treatment unless they cause discomfort or affect appearance.
Dermoid cyst: Dermoid cysts are rare developmental cysts that contain various skin appendages, such as hair, oil glands, and sweat glands. They are often present at birth and can be located in different parts of the body, including the forehead. Dermoid cysts may require surgical removal to prevent complications.
It is important to note that these are just a few potential causes of a hard pea-sized lump on the forehead. Other conditions or medical issues can also cause similar symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis.
During the consultation, the healthcare professional will ask about your symptoms, examine the lump, and may order additional tests orimaging studies, such as an ultrasound or a biopsy, to determine the cause of the lump.
Based on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment options will be recommended. If the lump is a sebaceous cyst or lipoma, it may not require any treatment unless it's causing significant discomfort or affecting the appearance. However, if it is a dermoid cyst or other medical condition, treatment may be necessary.
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