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What does the word BUM mean?


The word "bum" has several meanings. Here are some of the most common:

* Noun:

• "A person who has no home and lives on the streets."

• "A person who is lazy and does not work."

• "His brother was a bum, a ne'er-do-well."

• "A person who is sexually promiscuous."

• "She was known as the bum of the school."

• "A person who is foolish or stupid."

• "He's such a bum, he always falls for her tricks."

• "A person who is annoying or irritating."

• "What a bum, always hanging around."

• "A person who is not very good at something."

• "She's such a bum at tennis, she can't even hit the ball."

* Verb:

• "To ask for something, usually money or food, in a way that is considered impolite or annoying."

• "I gave that guy a dollar so he would stop bumming me."

• "To live as a homeless person."

• "He's been bumming on the streets for years."

• "To be lazy and not work."

• "He's been bumming around for months."

• "To engage in promiscuous sexual activity."

• "She's bumming around with a new guy every night."

• "To be annoying or irritating."

• "Stop bumming me out with your problems."

* Adjective:

• "Of little or no value, quality, or importance."

• "That's a bum deal, they're overcharging."

• "Not very good at something."

• "He's a bum basketball player."

• "Lazy or unproductive."

• "She was sick of her bum husband."

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