Home Remedies to Kill Ticks in Your Yard
Diatomaceous Earth
One of the most common home remedies for ticks in the yard is diatomaceous earth. This substance is used in many ways for a variety of problems, including fleas, worms and ticks. The diatoms (residue of phytoplankton) in this substance maintain a razor-sharp shape and do severe damage to ticks that come into contact with it. Food-grade diatomaceous earth is recommended for yard treatments. Apply to the entire yard to eliminate ticks. It also can be applied directly to the skin of people and pets, with no harmful side effects, according to the Wolf Creek Ranch animal sanctuary. Consult your vet for proper application amounts and length of use.
Cedar Chips
The cedar tree is well-known for having natural defenses against insect infestations. This is primarily due to the sap of the tree, which has elements that repel its natural enemies, such as wood-boring insects and fungi. These elements also are effective in deterring household and environmental pests, such as ticks and fleas. Cedar chips are readily available at home supply and gardening stores, and can be spread around the yard. They will repel ticks and ward off an infestation.
Nematodes are microscopic worms that kill insects and other organisms, such as ticks, by invading their bodies and releasing bacteria. The bacteria becomes toxic and destroys the tick from the inside. World Radio Switzerland includes information on its website about the effectiveness of nematodes (specifically S. feltiae) in yard treatments to eliminate ticks. Other homeopathic enthusiasts recommend these creatures as well, and most agree that nematodes are one of the better home remedies to use for ticks in the yard.