How to Get Rid of Tick Heads
Things You'll Need
- Tweezers
- Disinfectant
- Alcohol
- Vial or plastic bag
Grab the tick head as close to the skin as you can get whether you find a tick on yourself or your pet.
Pull the tick head off gently, making sure no part of the tick is left attached. If you try to do it too quickly, you risk leaving the tick's mouth attached. Do it slowly and the tick will release from the skin and come straight out.
Place the tick in alcohol so that it dies. As recommended by the Lyme Disease Foundation, put it in a vial and label it with the date. You could also put it in a resealable plastic bag. This is important if you need to have the tick identified by a lab or your veterinarian.
Wash your hands, and then use disinfectant. Dab the tweezers as well as the place on the skin where the tick was attached.
See your doctor (or veterinarian) immediately if you or your pet becomes sick. You must beware and be alert of any signs of a tick-borne disease such as Lyme Disease.
Reduce your chances of getting future tick bites. Use an approved tick-repellent to keep them away from you. Avoid wooded areas that are likely to be infested with ticks. Check for ticks frequently on yourself and your pets.