Colloidal Silver Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease Facts
The bacteria know as borrelia burgdorferi comes from the deer tick and causes lyme disease. The deer ticks reside in brush areas and tall grass and typically infect white-tailed deer. The ticks will bite you and transfer the bacteria, which will result in a peculiar skin lesion in the shape of a "bull's eye" that is flat or slightly puffy. You may experience fever, chills, sore neck, weakness, and muscle pain. To transfer the bacteria, he deer tick will need to be attached to your skin for 36 hours or more. Be sure to check your body (the deer tick is brown and the size of a sesame seed) after moving through brush or tall grass.
Who Is Susceptible?
This disease does not affect only the infirm or young. Any person who spends time in bushy environments near white-tailed deer is susceptible. The likelihood of your being bitten increases in the spring and summer months, when newly hatched deer ticks emerge into the wilderness. They are not active if the weather is below freezing.
Collodial Silver and Lyme Disease
Collodial silver is a solution of silver particles mixed, most commonly, with water. Allegedly, collodial silver attacks one-celled organisms, bacteria, by destroying the enzymes that the organism uses to metabolize oxygen. This destroys the bacteria's membranes and it cannot "reproduce" by replicating its DNA. This slows and ultimate eliminates the infection. In turn, colloidal silver would attack the bacteria that cause Lyme disease in the same way.
According the Journal of Wound Care, there are no perceivable benefits to colloidal silver. Based on a study conducted by the Journal of Wound Care in 2004, colloidal silver does not have any appreciable impact on killing microbes or bacteria. The study used commercial colloidal silver of varying concentrations without any effect on microorganisms.
An excess of silver in the body causes a condition called argyria. But you would need to consume between 1 to 5 grams of silver a year, or many doses of colloidal silver, which are usually 50 micrograms.