How to Safely and Correctly Remove Ticks
Things You'll Need
- lighter
- tissue or napkin-type item
- tweezers
First, you need to know a couple of basic things about ticks . Ticks are disgusting little creatures that feed on a host by digging it's head into the host's skin and sucks the blood from the host's bloodstream. Ticks like to live in trees, o that when the host walks by, it jumps and hopes that it lands on the target. If the tick does land on the host, it usually likes to hide on the head of the host, hiding in it's hair. Or sometimes the tick will find a home on the host's arms or legs, most of the time on the legs of men, and the arms of anyone. But you should always check for ticks after being somewhere under trees.
To start removing the tick, see how big it is. If the tick is just crawling around, it means it hasn't had time to burry it's head into the host yet, which means you should just get the tweezers or tissue and remove the tick. To kill the tick, squish it really hard with the tweezers and flush it down a toilet. Never put a tick in the trash, because you may think it's dead, when it's really alive, and it could escape from the trash and find a new host.
If the tick' s head is definitely in the host already, you need to get out the lighter. For this step, you must be VERY careful not to burn the host, just the tick. Light up the lighter and carefully burn the tick lightly. It will begin to squirm around, and that is when you quickly and carefully try to pull out the tick with the tweezers. If it doesn't give after a minute of pulling, (no twisting), light the tick again, and pull again. Keep repeating this process until the tick is removed. When you do finally remove the tick, squish it hard and flush it down a toilet.
If the tick does not come out or is really big and too hard to remove, you may want to call a doctor for help and/or advice.