How to : Prevent Lyme Disease Infection
As you may know by now, I write health articles. And now that summer is approaching, and Lyme disease has made its way across the country mostly carried by birds and deer, there are some things you should know to protect yourself. I'll get to that in a moment, but everyone who enjoys the outdoors could be at risk: adults, children, and pets who work or live around parks, forests and agriculture are prime candidates for Lyme infections.
Lyme is tricky and is often misdiagnosed as MS, ALS, Arthritis. Flulike symptoms within 30 days of outdoor exposure can indicate infection from tick bites, and recovery from advanced Lyme disease is long and difficult. Here are a few ways to prevent Lyme infection.
(1) Use a tick repellent on clothes and pets such as DEET. (2) Wear light-colored clothing, long pants with socks pulled up over cuffs. -
(3) Wear long sleeves and tuck in your shirt. (4) Pull back your hair and wear a wide-brimmed hat. (5) Have someone do a "tick-check" following outdoor activity. (6) Carry a tick remover when going on long hikes or camping trips. (7) Know where there is a Lyme-literate doctor in your area who can prescribe diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics.