How to Protect Kids From Ticks
Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks to protect yourself and your kids from ticks.
Make sure your kids wear light-colored clothing to protect them from ticks. Ticks are dark brown. If you wear dark clothing, it will be harder to notice whether a tick is on you.
Use an insect repellent to protect yourself and your kids from ticks. Most of the common brands of family-friendly mosquito repellents will also repel ticks.
Stay on trails when hiking in the woods. This not only preserves the area for enjoyment by all, but it protects you and your kids from ticks. Ticks hang out on brush and shrubbery near trails. When you get too close, they literally hop onto your body. Keep a safe distance, and you should be fine.
Check your kids and yourself for ticks regularly. If you are enjoying an outdoor activity such as camping, check your kids in the morning and evening while there's still good light. Check your child's scalp, behind his ears and the nape of his neck. Make your child undress, and check their body from head to toe, including all creases and folds.