How to Remove a Tick
Check your naked body from head to toe for ticks ' small black, brown, reddish or tan disklike arachnids (having eight legs), from the size of a pinhead to almost the size of a thumbtack. Pay special attention to the backs of your knees, your groin area and your torso.
Ask a friend or family member for help if you find a tick in a hard-to-reach spot.
Hold (or have the other person hold) a pair of tweezers in one hand and grasp the tick with the tweezers close to the surface of your skin. Also avoid grabbing the body of the tick with your fingers and trying to pull it out. This method may cause you to leave some parts of the tick under your skin and will also expose your hands to any disease the tick is carrying.
Gently but firmly pull the tick straight out, working for several seconds if necessary until it loosens and comes free. Occasionally, parts of the tick's mouth become separated from the rest of the tick; if they do, pull them out separately.
Dispose of the tick by throwing it into a fire or by squishing it using a tissue and then flushing it down the toilet. Don't smash it with your foot or your bare hands.
Clean the bite site thoroughly with soap and water or Betadine, and thoroughly wash your hands.