Squirrels & Ticks
Vector Borne Diseases
A tick, slightly engorged In biological terms, vectors are organisms that carry diseases to other organisms. Wildlife is often infested with ticks, and ticks are vectors. Ticks feed on infected blood and transmit infection when they feed on their next prey. Because squirrels often carry ticks, they are prime candidates for spreading diseases to humans. The Internet Center For Wildlife Damage Management includes tick-borne diseases as part of wildlife diseases of public health concern.
Common Tick-Borne Illnesses
Squirrels can carry vector-borne illnesses. Colorado Tick Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease are all tick-transmitted illnesses often spread by squirrels. Common symptoms of these and other, less common tick-borne diseases include fever, headache, nausea, joint pains, vomiting, rash, neck pain and facial paralysis. Seeking treatment immediately is the best course of action whenever a tick bite is found or suspected. Recovery is often better when treatment begins at the first signs of illness.
Keeping Your Family Safe
Keep your distance from suburban squirrels. People should avoid direct contact with squirrels. Several tactics should be used when avoiding tick-infested areas is not possible. You should spray your clothing, not skin, with products containing DEET (diethyltoluamide) and wash your clothes immediately after being outside. You should check your body and clothes for ticks. If you find a tick, remove it carefully with tweezers.
Squirrels in the Wild
Avoid squirrels in the wild. One of the top tick-borne diseases, Colorado Tick Fever, is often carried by ground squirrels. To lessen chances of a tick bite, plan your wardrobe accordingly. Wear light-colored clothing with long sleeves and long pants. Tuck pants legs into shoes and wear hats. When hiking in wilderness areas, stay to the center of trails, so that overhanging foliage is avoided.