| | Bites Stings | Tick Bites
How to Kill & Remove a Tick
Things You'll Need
- Rubber gloves
- Tweezers
- Zip-seal plastic bag
- Cotton balls
- Rubbing alcohol
- Adhesive bandage
Put on your rubber gloves. These will protect your hands from the tick during removal.
Clean the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before using. The open nature of a tick bite makes the skin susceptible to infection.
Apply the tweezers around the tick close to the skin. Firmly pull the tick outward with a steady motion. Do not twist or yank the tick, as this could leave the mouth parts inside your skin.
Place the tick in a plastic bag and store the bag in the freezer. Keep the tick for a few days so that authorities can identify the source of the illness if the bite victim becomes sick.
Clean the bite with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. Apply an adhesive bandage.