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What is the prognosis for stage 4 bladder cancer?

The prognosis for stage 4 bladder cancer is generally poor. The estimated five-year survival rate for people with stage 4 bladder cancer is about 5-10%. This means that about 5-10% of people with stage 4 bladder cancer will live for at least five years after being diagnosed. However, it is important to remember that this is just an average estimate and that individual prognoses may vary. Some people with stage 4 bladder cancer may live much longer than five years, while others may not live as long.

The prognosis for stage 4 bladder cancer depends on a number of factors, including:

- The age and overall health of the person with cancer.

- The type of bladder cancer.

- The stage of the cancer (how far it has spread)

- The treatment options that are available and how well the person responds to them

Overall, the prognosis for stage 4 bladder cancer is not good, but there are still treatment options available that may help to improve survival and quality of life.

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