Laser Treatment for Bladder Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is cancer that originates in the cells of the bladder, most often affecting the cells lining the organ. While the actual cause of bladder cancer is unknown, risk factors include smoking, chronic bladder infection (through viruses or parasites), or exposure to hazardous chemicals. Bladder cancers can vary widely in progression and development, making early consultation with a physician that much more important.
Bladder Cancer Treatments
Bladder cancer is routinely treated through a variety of methods. These include, but are not limited to, surgery (excision of the tumor or the entire bladder), chemotherapy (injection of poisonous drugs to destroy malignant cells), or immunotherapy (the application of medications that incite the body's immune system to destroy the cancerous cells).
Laser Treatment
According to an article written by Dr. Emmanuel Schenkman on bladder cancer therapy, laser therapy can also be used to counteract tumors in the bladder. Laser therapy is also referred to as Photofrin-Mediated Photodynamic (or PDT) Therapy. It combines the injection of photosensitizers (devices to increase the tumor's susceptibility to laser light) along with subsequent application of laser light to destroy the tissue.
According to a study performed at the Urologic Clinics of North America by U.O. Nseyo, two thirds of the participants had a 50-percent reduction in their cancer recurrence rates after a single treatment of PDT therapy. Aside from its effectiveness at eliminating cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute, PDT has the added effect of not harming healthy tissue in the process.
If you are currently undergoing treatment for bladder cancer, you might want to schedule an appointment with your physician to discuss the viability to using PDT therapy. While PDT therapy is certainly not the optimal treatment method for all types of bladder cancer, it might be able to make the difference in your particular case.