Prevention of Bladder Cancer
One of the strongest arguments for prevention of bladder cancer is to stop using tobacco products, particularly smoking cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Although it is well known that tobacco contains nicotine, according to the Mayo Clinic, numerous known cancer causing chemicals are added to smoke tobacco. These chemicals include formaldehyde, cyanide and many other chemicals that have been linked to bladder cancer.
Carcinogenic Chemicals
Carcinogenic chemicals are chemicals that have been clearly linked to occurrences of cancer, including bladder cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, these chemicals are present not only in tobacco, but also in fertilizers, household cleaners, automotive products and many other items that we use on a daily basis. Before using any chemical agent, carefully read the label and determine if you have a chemical that is being used over and over in your presence. In addition, consider whether there is an alternative product you can use that is less toxic to your body.
Arsenic is a chemical that is present in numerous products, including poisons and pest products. According to the Mayo Clinic, another place that arsenic can be found is in well water. As a result, it is a good idea to have your water system tested regularly for arsenic, particularly if your primary source of water is well water. You can also test for arsenic by testing hair and fingernail samples.
Drinking Liquids
According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking plenty of liquids every day and voiding the bladder regularly can help with prevention of bladder cancer. Holding urine in the bladder unnecessarily long can contribute to the incidence of bladder cancer. Also, not providing enough liquid nutrition can contribute to the rates of bladder cancer.
Above all else, according to the Mayo Clinic, eating a diet rich in green leafy vegetables and brightly colored vegetables and fruits can help the body fight the growth of abnormal cells that make up tumor growths and cancer. Diets with high amounts of fruits and vegetables include beta carotenes and antioxidants that help clear free radicals from the body, which contribute to the development of cancer.