Bladder Cancer Back Pain
What Is Bladder Cancer?
Bladder cancer is a disease characterized by the development of tumors within the bladder. These tumors can eventually metastasize outside of the bladder to include other areas of the urinary tract, reproductive organs or the digestive system, making it more difficult to treat and potentially lethal.
Bladder cancer carries with it numerous symptoms, many of which mimic less serious conditions such as urethritis and urinary tract infections. These symptoms include blood in the urine, urinary frequency or urgency even though only a small amount of urine is released, burning or pain upon urination, and lower back pain. Since these symptoms can be misleading, a proper diagnosis by your doctor is vital.
Causes of Back Pain
Back pain caused by bladder cancer occurs because of the pressure of tumors in the bladder or in surrounding areas. Metastasized bladder cancer will likely cause more pain than that which has not. It is not only the tumors themselves that cause back pain, however. Common cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy may cause irritation and pain in the lower back as well.
Pain Treatments
Treatments for back pain caused by bladder cancer vary depending on its severity and your own personal pain tolerance. Typical treatment includes analgesics. If they are not effective, other medications that alter how your body reacts to pain may also be prescribed. In some cases, radiation can be beneficial in lessening back pain, since it may shrink tumors, placing less pressure on your internal organs.
Pain As a Lifestyle
Back pain is a part of living with bladder cancer. While pain relievers can usually knock a dent in the pain, they won't eliminate all of it. That's why other methods must be utilized to maintain your quality of life. Behavioral psychology is sometimes to used to alter how you perceive pain and how you think about it. Biofeedback allows you to change your body's reactions to pain. Likewise, seeing a therapist can help you continue to live your life normally despite the pain. Keeping a positive outlook is the best way to live with the back pain that comes with bladder cancer.