Types of Spinal Cancer
GCT or Giant Cell Tumor
The Giant Cell Tumor is a very aggressive type of spinal tumor. It is a benign primary tumor and very uncommon. They occur slightly more often in women from age 20 to 40. They most often occur in the sacrum and might also spread into the lumbar portion of the spine. They can grow large enough to intrude on the spinal canal and press into the spinal cord. Symptoms can include weakness and numbness as well as joint pain and bladder dysfunctions.
The osteoblastoma is a large and fairly uncommon benign, primary spinal tumor that affects mainly males age 20 to 30. It is found most commonly affecting males in their late 20s. They are most often located in the posterior spinal area and consist of malformed bone and fibrous tissues. Symptoms of this type of spinal tumor can include weakness and numbness as well as tenderness and pain.
Hemangioma tumors are benign, primary tumors. They appear most often in the lumbar and thoracic spinal areas. These types of tumors can also affect the muscles of the body. It is most often found in men and women age 30 to 50. It is not easily found as it has few symptoms. It is usually found during examinations for other problems. Hemangioma tumors are often treated by cutting off the blood flow to the tumor.
Chordomas are malignant, primary tumors. They are the most common type of malignant, primary tumor found in adults. It is most commonly found to appear in men and women age 30 to 70. Chordoma spinal tumors are most often found in the lumbar spine area as well as the sacrum. These tumors are generally very large and can spread to include the roots of nearby nerves.
Ewing's Sarcoma
Ewing's Sarcoma is an extremely malignant, primary spinal bone cancer. It is most often seen in children age 10 to 20. It is rarely seen in men or women past the age of 30. It affects males more often than females. It is most often found in the sacrum. It only rarely affects the cervical spine area. Symptoms include moderate to severe back pain. Treatment for this type of tumor includes surgery and radiation.