What Are the Symptoms of Osteosarcoma?
Causes of Osteosarcoma
Despite repeated attempts over the years by scientists all over, the exact cause or factor leading to the development of osteosarcoma is still unknown. However according to a recent study conducted by Mayo clinic, exposure to radiations emitted from chemical elements such as Fluorine and Radium; mainly found in contaminated water, can often increase the chances of developing osteosarcoma in individuals as they lead to the development cancerous properties in the cells of the body due to the radiations emitted by them.
Pain is most common symptom that is associated with osteosarcoma. The person might experience different forms of pains such as bone pain and localized pain. Bone pain is a form of pain that a patient of osteosarcoma generally experiences near the affected bone. This pain worsens during night due to immobility of the bone while sleeping. On the other hand local pain is a type of pain generally experienced in the entire body and commonly around the back and lower hip region.
Another common symptom associated with osteosarcoma is swelling of the bones and the joints. In cases of osteosarcoma where the tumor is large, this tumor can sometimes protrude outwards thus leading to a swelling or inflammation near the joints or the affected bones.
Other Symptoms
Other common symptoms that are generally associated with osteosarcoma include high fever, tiredness, excessive weight loss, brittleness of the bones which thus leads to fractures of the bones, difficulty in moving during any form of physical activity due to extreme pain that is experienced as a result of osteosarcoma and in some rare cases anemia is also associated with osteosarcoma.
Treatment Techniques used to Cure Osteosarcoma
Generally the treatment forms that are administered to patients vary drastically from patient to patient depending upon the size of the tumor, and the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed and the overall health of the patient.
However some of the common treatment methods that are used include Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a form of chemotherapy method which is generally administered to patients suffering from osteosarcoma which is often succeeded by surgical treatment.
Radiation therapy on the other hand is a treatment form in which the patient is often exposed to high energy wave like X-rays and gamma rays. This exposure to waves help in destroying the cancerous cells as well as the cancerous tumors present in the body due to the intense radiations emitted by them.
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